Monday, June 15, 2009

There Has To Be A First Time: First Date Tips

There Has To Be A First Time: First Date Tips

Author: Hendri

There are many firsts that can happen in our life. For example, there's the first time that the all-important first step was taken. Or perhaps one may remember with clarity the first time that they were able to ride the bicycle without training wheels or any help from a parent running or walking beside.

For the most part, firsts in our lives are very memorable. Sometimes they can be a positive memory or they can be a memory that you wish you could forget. One such opportunity that could be a memorable first or one that can be looked upon as disastrous is the first date.

Therefore, it is important to learn from other's experience and the first date tips that can be shared based on that experience. Some of those first date tips can be categorized on what to do and what not to do.

What To Do On That First Date

When getting ready to go on that first date there are many things to consider. First of all there are the questions about where to go, what to wear, transportation, etc.

In fact, an important first date tip is the question of transportation. For example if you do not like the way the evening is going for whatever reason or do not wish to have the individual whom you are dating know where you live, you may consider transporting your self to the agreed-upon location. This not only allows you the flexibility of concluding the date on your terms, but provides extra measure of safety if you do not know the individual whom you are initially dating.

Also, it is important to remember the law of first impressions. Therefore, a very important first date tip is to ensure that your first impression is one that is positive. Accordingly, it is therefore critical that the attire that is worn does not send the wrong message or that, especially for the men, that behavior is responsible and to treat his date respectfully.

In addition, if the arrangements are to pick up the individual at their home, it is important that the best manners are exhibited. Therefore, it is important to go to the door, escort the individual to the vehicle, open and closed the door respectively to the vehicle, etc.

What Not To Do On That First Date

Just as it is important to do certain things on that first date other first date tips include suggestions on what not to do on that first date. For example, do not be a show off or try to impress the date with a flashy show of cash, put on the airs or try to give the impression that you are something other than what you are.

Another important first date tip is in regards to first date conversation tips. For example part of the dating processes is to get to know one another. Therefore, it is important not to monopolize the conversation or brag on one's self. With this in mind it is important to ask the other individual questions about themselves and their interests.

About the Author:

Hendri & Helena,
author of <Fresh Dating Tips

Article Source: - There Has To Be A First Time: First Date Tip

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